How far is Marco Island from Miami?

The quickest and easiest way to go from Miami to Marco Island is by car. The trip 105 miles trip westbound on US Highway 41 West will take you just about 2 hours and cost about $25 in gas one way.

Going by bus and taxi

If you don’t have the possibility to go by car, another way of going is by bus and taxi. I wouldn’t recommend this route since it’s not only going to take twice as long, but it’s also way more expensive.

You can take the bus from Miami toward Houston and jump off at Fort Myers, which is located 54 miles north of Marco Island. The only viable way to get from Fort Myers to Marco Island is then by taxi. The 54 miles are going to cost you about $110-$140 pending traffic, day, and time of day.

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Daniel Carlbom
I love to travel and explore the world with my family. When I'm not traveling, time is usually spent enjoying time with my wife and kids at home, playing with the dogs, or roaming around with a camera.

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